Lifeline Hospital and its NGO Partner ‘Charity Medical Trust’ has been in the service of ailing humanity and organizing regular free medical camps for the last 30 years and distributing free medicine to the needy and poor patients. Lifeline Hospital has organized more than 600 free medical camps in & adjoining area of Ludhiana and Punjab.
We are admitting poor patients on concessional rates (50%) and help them for the treatment but sometimes, poor patients cannot afford a small amount of money for their treatment & medicine so it is humbly requested that if you help such patients directly so that they can get there treatment and hospitalization.
Case No 1 : Yesterday we admitted for day care on 25/05/2022 a patient of deep jaundice Name Krishna Prasad R/o SAS Nagar, Ludhiana Mobile No 88726-73508 whose bill of treatment and investigation was Rs 1000/- but the patient cannot afford it.
Case No 2 : Another patient for OPD on 25/05/2022 Name Rajesh R/o Janakpuri, Ludhiana came with H/o blood in vomiting but could not be admitted due to lack of money. Kindly help and support such patient directly so that they can get them treatment.
Case No 3 : Patient Name Seema Rani D/o Wazir Khan W/o Gurmit Singh R/o Village Sawajpura, PO Wazidpur Shahbazpur District Patiala Mobile No 9815428796 who admitted in this hospital on 25/05/2022 with the history of HIV Positive and Cholelithiasis & admitted very poor patient need help.
Case No 4 : Patient name Tarun S/o Nathi Ram R/o # 5557/24, Near Harkrishan School, Gobind Nagar, Ludhiana Mobile No 95920020596 whose date of admission 26/05/2022 and discharge date 27/05/2022 with the history of B/L extensive koch’s with Right plural effusion with HIV Positive with HbsAg Positive but cannot afford for admission and treatment so that he take discharged next day.
Case No 5 : Patient Name Phool Kumari W/o Surinder Kumar aged about 34 years/Female R/o Rahon Road, Harkrishan Vihar, Sheetal Dharam Kanda Street, Ludhiana Mobile No 96539-68834 whose date of admission 05/08/2022 and discharge date 07/08/2022 with the history of CKD / HTN and severe anemia but could not be complete treated due to lack of money. Kindly help and support such patient directly so that they can get them treatment
MBBS, MD (Paed) P.C.M.S. (Ex.), M.I.A.P., M.C.C.E.A. (England)
Member - CII (National Healthcare Council)
President - Charity medical Trust, Ludhiana